
Monday, October 31, 2011

日首相督促奥林巴斯澄清丑闻事实 忧心国家声誉

日首相督促奥林巴斯澄清丑闻事实 忧心国家声誉 北京时间11月2日凌晨消息,日本首相野田佳彦督促奥林巴斯尽快澄清事实,以免影响日本国家声誉。 随着日本首相的介入,奥林巴斯目前正承受巨大压力,他们需要对逾10亿美元的可疑收购交易咨询费进行解释。 野田佳彦要求 ... 日首相督促奥林巴斯澄清丑闻事实 忧心国家声誉

Ross, the director nominated by the nation's annual bull revival of sports figures

Ross, the director nominated by the nation's annual bull revival of sports figures United States, "Sports Illustrated" will be released December 6, the final winner of the annual sports figures. Last season led the Bulls to get the league's best record, and the MVP award in the bag Derek - Ross won the nomination. "Sports Illustrated" expert Lee - Ross Jenkins for the comments. As follows: In 2011, Ross with dazzling dribbling, full of explosive first step, fearless ...Ross, the director nominated by the nation's annual bull revival of sports figures


临海一业主房屋漏水8年,拒交物业费被起诉 家住台州临海怡景花园的王女士,由于房屋漏水,8年来拒交物业费,被物业起诉到了法院,最近将开庭审理。 物业服务合同纠纷,在浙江法院很多。为此,10月27日,省高院还在全国率先出台了《审理物业服务合同案件适用法律的指 ... 临海一业主房屋漏水8年,拒交物业费被起诉

Guangzhou, the government bought the joint sense, multiculturalism 공원 violated the Administrative Procedure

Guangzhou, the government bought the joint sense, multiculturalism 공원 violated the Administrative Procedure Soneunsu reporter Guangzhou (Market ganguntae) Parks and Greens Division raised in Gwangju Park temporary parking lot in front of the government was violating the Administrative Procedure joint audit results received designation for this corrective action has not yet taken. Guangzhou to the public recreation, culture and leisure, and to provide a break in Asia.Guangzhou, the government bought the joint sense, multiculturalism 공원 violated the Administrative Procedure

Se ampara funcionario por caso de deuda en Coahuila. Con Ciro Gómez Levya

Se ampara funcionario por caso de deuda en Coahuila. Con Ciro Gómez Levya El director de la Comisión Estatal de Aguas y Saneamiento (CEAS) del estado de Coahuila, Fausto Destenave Kuri, compareció el día de ayer ante el juagado segundo penal, por su presunta participación en la obtención de créditos para el gobierno local, ... Se ampara funcionario por caso de deuda en Coahuila. Con Ciro Gómez Levya

Israel verstärkt den Siedlungsbau

Israel verstärkt den Siedlungsbau Nach der Aufnahme der Palästinenser in die UNESCO geht die diplomatische Konfrontation mit Israel weiter. Dafür zeigt sich in der militärischen Auseinandersetzung in Gaza ein Hoffnungsschimmer. Hier im Westjordanland sollen 350 der geplanten 2000 ... Israel verstärkt den Siedlungsbau

Confinement, a prison sentence in Fukui gang leaders in injury

Confinement, a prison sentence in Fukui gang leaders in injury Miyahara pair gang leaders accused of dwellings indefinite confinement and injuries, the defendant Takeshi Kato (39) as a gangster and 花堂中 Fukui, Yoshihiko Fujita defendant (39) day trial verdict, the district court and Fukui The judge charged Yu Ukai, Kato defendant "played a central role, in addition to malicious violence itself" three years in prison as (4 prison prosecution.Confinement, a prison sentence in Fukui gang leaders in injury


ALERTA EN GUATEMALA POR BAJAS TEMPERATURAS GUATEMALA, 1 (ANSA) - Las autoridades guatemaltecas están bajo alerta ante las bajas temperaturas provocadas por un frente frío, que prevén que afectarán durante 48 horas más a la población, cuya principal causa de muerte se relaciona con enfermedades ... ALERTA EN GUATEMALA POR BAJAS TEMPERATURAS

국내은행 대출 연체율 하락 '올 최저'

국내은행 대출 연체율 하락 '올 최저' 1일 금융감독원에 따르면 올 9월말 국내은행의 대출 연체율은 1.04%로 지난달 말과 비교했을 때 0.18%p 하락했다. 이는 올 3월부터 9월까지 조사한 연체율 중 가장 낮은 수치다. 기업과 가계대출 연체율도 낮아졌다. 기업대출 연체율은 1.33%로 지난달 대비 0.25%p ... 국내은행 대출 연체율 하락 '올 최저'

Praised the ease of use

Praised the ease of use Nagai great actor (33) a day, a long-established Swiss watchmaker was held in Tokyo, "Edokkusu" guest appearances on presentation of a new watch collection. Company five years ago, called the F1 Powerboat Racing Sea "Class -1" are responsible for the official timekeeper. ...Praised the ease of use

In Thailand, a battle royal with water

In Thailand, a battle royal with water By DENIS D. GRAY AP BANGKOK—Water has been a virtual obsession for Thailand's king for the past four decades. The 83-year-old monarch has warned about the dangers of overdevelopment and developed ideas to mitigate the damage from floods. ... In Thailand, a battle royal with water

Tablo, Hip-Hop Albums chart, # 5 released simultaneously美iTunes

Tablo, Hip-Hop Albums chart, # 5 released simultaneously美iTunes Tabeulroui first solo album 'yeolkkot' is released on November 1 as soon as the iTunes U.S. Hip Hop / Rap aelbeomchateu notched fifth climb. Epik High album has already topped bar in the chart was the same Tablo 5 Back to this album to enter the first day, and has received great interest from overseas. ...Tablo, Hip-Hop Albums chart, # 5 released simultaneously美iTunes

내년부터 중국 일본 항공료 5.6% 인하

내년부터 중국 일본 항공료 5.6% 인하 내년부터 중국과 일본, 중동으로 가는 항공기의 운임이 5.6% 내려갈 것으로 보입니다. 국토해양부는 국제선 항공여객에 부과했던 유류할증료 부과체계를 전면 개편했다고 밝혔습니다. 이번 개편으로 전체 여행객 중 67%를 차지하는 중국과 일본, 동북아, 대양주 노 ... 내년부터 중국 일본 항공료 5.6% 인하

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